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Servicing the Web Since 1998! Currently shipping most orders same-day up to 2 business days.Please indicate on your order or by email that a rush order is neededand we will try our best to ship as soon as possible. Orders placedwith optional expedited shipping are shipped as soon as possible.
Selling High-Quality Laser-Cut CustomRubber Stamps at Low Prices with FREE Shippingto the U.S.A. for orders $19.90* and over!
Why Buy Self-Inking Rubber Stamps?
Think of all the repetitive hand writing you do... Your company's name, mailing addresses, paperwork routing, bank information, check endorsing, your signature, etc..
Then think of all the time you'll save with cost effective self-inking rubber stamps! Just press your self-inking rubber stamp into action.It does the job in an instant! Dozens of daily applications and thousands of high quality impressions without re-inking! Re-inking stamps is quick and simple giving you thousands more stamp impressions. Stamping could not be any easier!
Great for office, home, school, clubs and more! You'll find many practical uses for IDEAL self-inking rubber stamps. "Any message worth repeating can be put a rubber stamp"
Stamp Out Inefficiency & Save Time by Ordering Your Stamp Today!
*Free Shipping on all orders $19.90 and over to the USAOrders under $19.90 shipped for only $4.95
We welcome payments by PayPal and Personal & Business Checks and Money Orders are accepted. Government, Schools & Hospital Purchase Orders are welcomed.